Friday, March 18, 2011

postheadericon My intrepid thoughts....

Often get me into trouble...Nothing new, there.

I spent the past three days in Leadership Academy Classes. There was a lot of information to learn- and soak in. What really rocked my word was Su's unit on the "Definition of Leadership"- What it is, and what it's not. It really explained WHY I have issues with Conservative Politics and really detest and resent the pain, suffering and trauma they cause for the most vulnerable, and poorest amongst us. It really boils down to three things.

1. Their chosen Leadership style is coercive.- Inflicts pain, hell, fear, and terror. It isn't about people. It is about THEIR power, THEIR money, bullying others, and tearing them down to assuage their need to appear superior. It is about "Appearances"...I think the Lord nailed it down really good when he ripped into the Pharisees in his day. He told them precisely what it was! They're REALLY good at cleaning up the external stuff, but REFUSE to do anything about the inner man stuff...the greed, hypocrisy, snobbery and self righteous priggery. When the truth of it is, they personally could care less the least of these...They're going to hell anyway...They don't have because they SIN...What they're SO blind to is the fact that THEY sin in their attitudes, and the way they treat others!!! Might want to check out Matthew 23 and do a BRUTAL self inventory...Have you forgotten what Jesus taught the Pharisee in the Parable of the Good Samaritan- when the Pharisee had the unmitigated gall to ask Him "WHO is my neighbor?"- The guy was looking for ANY excuse to treat those he judged, belittled, and condemned like dirt. Isn't THAT how YOU treat others you destest, or believe YOU are superior to?

2. Their philosophy strikes me as being awfully close, if not identical to Ayn Rand's sick, twisted so called philosophy of Objectivism...One in which she insists that selfishness is a virtue. "Relative self interest"....where being of service to those in need is NOT rational OR sane. A sick, twisted, demented Russian Woman that had the lusty droolies for a psychopath that raped, murdered, and dismembered a twelve year old little girl....and believed that selfishness was a virtue had a good idea? Sorry...But, I honestly think it boils down to what Jesus had to say about it in Mark 7:14-23..The reason these Conservative christians gobble these LIES from Faux News up is that in THEIR, hearts, they are selfish, greedy, malicious, and egotistical...They are drawn to WHAT their spirit man craves ...The HATE and LIES told on FAUX news..FAKE news...The TRUTH is..

.1 John 3:17-20.."If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need and has no pity on him , how can the love of God be in him? Dear Children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth. This is then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts He knows everything."

- It appears to ME that this philosophy SO many have bought into in ignorance, selfishness and in greed IS the antithesis of the SORT of Leadership the Lord would have US follow...That being Servant-Leadership.

3. Although the Lord didn't wax philosophical or poetical about it- I believe he was REALLY all about "Servant-Leadership"...In which we put others needs priority to our own. There's a common thread between Christianity and Mental Health Recovery... We all have TRIED to conform to the world's paradigm, or way of doing or thinking about things. It didn't work. We ended up with mental health issues...But, when we shift the focus from ourselves onto being of service to others...we begin to grow, heal, change, and become healthier people. The ironic, and amazing thing about it is that Servant Leadership has a litmus test:

" Do those serve grow as persons? Do they while being served, become healthier,wiser, freer, more autonomous,and more likely themselves to become servants. And what is the effect on the least privileged in society? Will they benefit, or at least not be further deprived?"...Robert K. Greenleaf...

It really is a sad reality that with those in power today aren't even using THAT model of leadership...and MOST every thing they do is the opposite of what Mr. Greenleaf suggests. I DO believe he does have a point. The models and philosophies used in leadership for the most part are in fact coercive in nature...striking fear, terror, and thrusting the less fortunate into a living hell....

John 13:3-17 gives a good example of it. The Lord's point being that servants are NOT greater than their masters, nor is a messenger greater than the servant. Those that KNOW and do these things shall be blessed. But, the important key to ALL of this is the motive in which these things are done. For me, personally, I'm far more eager TO BE a blessing than be greedy FOR the blessing.
These are just a few things to think about....


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